A Web Application for Power Generation Tracking
To alleviate power crisis and to meet the increasing power demand of the country various
power generation companies are pushing the boundaries of what's possible within power
generation to help the customers achieve the right balance between power plant
performance and environmental sustainability. This kind of power generation companies
need website which should be attractive, modern and easy to navigate and will provide all
useful information to the visitors and employees. It will also be a dynamic and well secured.
Including different interfaces for the general user, admin user and registered user. They
also need a per hour power generation related information for their work.
Target of this project “A Web Application for Power Generation Tracking” is to help
any kind of Power Generation Company to maintain their office related work. As it helps
to publish notice, release tender and news. The feedback, complain functionalities helps
the company to know the needs of their clients. The most important thing is the generation
report which helps the companies’ employees to keep update data of per hour power
- M.Sc Thesis/Project [151]