Sentiment Analysis is the process of retrieving human sentiments from the text. Aspect based sentiment analysis goes one step ahead than sentiment analysis by automatically
assigning sentiments to specific aspect terms. It is a text analysis technique that extracts
and separates each aspect term and identifies the sentiment polarity associated with each
aspect term. Bangla is the seventh most native language in the world. Almost 230 million
people are spoken in Bangla. So, sentiment analysis in the Bangla language is considered
as crucial and well-timed research topics. Recently, aspect-based sentiment analysis is
progressing because of identifying fine-grained opinion polarity associated with specific
aspect terms. But due to lack of proper resources like annotated dataset, corpora, etc. Aspect-based sentiment analysis is a complicated task. In this thesis, we have used two publicly available datasets named cricket and restaurant. To perform aspect category extraction known as one of ASBS's task, we have conducted our experiments based on two recent studies from 2018 and 2020. In those studies, researchers used some conventional
supervised learning algorithms as 2018 [SVM, RF, KNN] and 2020 [SVM, RF, KNN,
NB, LR]. In our work, after pre-processing the dataset, we applied a new technique
named PSPWA (Priority Sentence Part Weight Assignment) on the dataset. After that, we
used a few conventional supervised learning algorithms (SVM, KNN, RF, LR, and NB)
to demonstrate results. Whereas our dataset is imbalanced, we considered F1-score as a
performance measure factor. Then we compared our results with the previous research
works on the same dataset. In the cricket dataset, SVM, KNN, LR, NB performed better
than two existing works during the experiment and resulting F1 score of 46%, 31%, 43%,
32%. In the restaurant dataset, SVM, LR, NB performed better than two existing works
during the experiment and resulting in an F1 score of 49%, 44%, 34%. For both cricket
and restaurant dataset, SVM achieved the best F1 score between all algorithms and scored
46% and 49% respectively.
- M.Sc Thesis/Project [151]