IoT-Driven Environmental Monitoring and Healthcare System: Shipbreaking Industry Perspective
coastal region of Bangladesh has ecological importance with high bio diversity. Although Bangladesh is one of the world’s top shipbreaking coun tries, business activities have seriously harmed the coastal ecosystem. The
workers are subject to a hazardous environment that leaves them suscep tible to a wide range of health disorders. The main goal of this study is
to represent the situation of the shipbreaking industry regarding environ mental pollution and realize the health condition of the workers. In this
work, we have proposed an Internet of Things (IoT) based outdoor envi ronment monitoring system where we have collected real-time data using 5
parameters like - temperature, humidity, dew point, surface pressure, and
PM2.5 from Sitakunda Shipbreaking Industry. Cloud server have been used
to upload and keep long-term storage of IoT data. We have also collected
2373 past data for the last 7 years (January 2016-June 2022) from NASA
Power View, US Console Dhaka, and the Ministry of Environment Forests
Bangladesh. We have made a health survey of different 6 hospitals in the
Chittagong division for the health dataset, which is the unique and most
challenging part of our work. From these past datasets and health surveys,
we have analyzed the environmental pollution and also found in which sea son the risk factor of worker’s health in the shipbreaking industry is “high”,
“medium” or “low”. Then, we have built our model using various Machine
Learning (ML) algorithms e.g., Decision Tree, Random Forest, KNN, Ex tra Tree Classifier, and Ensemble Method, and find better accuracy which
is - 78.96%, 81.78%, 76.36%, 80.69%, and 80.04% respectively, where the
Random Forest Classifier gives the best accuracy. Finally, based on our
implementation a solution is identified to detect the affected rate of the
environment and the healthy environment margin. This solution is mainly
based on the Sitakunda area which will help to estimate and send the threats
about shipbreaking industries to the public.
- M.Sc Thesis/Project [151]