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dc.contributor.authorTushar, Ahadul Islam
dc.contributor.authorChoudhury, Urbi Roy
dc.contributor.authorBoby, Sadeka Afrin
dc.contributor.authorRajon, Md. Rasheduzzaman
dc.description.abstractAs we know, the amount of connecting devices is increasing very fast. The rapid growth of computer network system brings many benefits of an organization. As well as there are many networking security issues also. We need strong security system like firewall technology, antivirus technology, valid authentication system to protect our vulnerable networks. But it may not possible to eliminate all vulnerabilities of networks. Because secured networks can also be hacked, we need such as machines for our vulnerable networks which can monitor, detect and analyze malicious activities. In this project, we have implemented a security system, which can monitor, detect and analyze malicious activities of our network. Here we have used Security Onion as a security monitoring machine. It can detect malicious activities and we can analyze those activities by using its pre-installed tools.en_US
dc.titleNetwork Monitoring, Detection & Analysisen_US
dc.typeProject Reporten_US

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