Author Identification from Song Lyrics
Machine Learning (ML) tools have been used extensively in a wide variety of domains
recently. Due the enormous amount of data being produced, machine learning techniques
are being heavily used to make sense of data & derive meaningful results. Using machine
learning tools, we can turn the data into knowledge.
Music is one of the truest forms of art. Bangladesh has a great history of music with a
great tradition of song writing over centuries. Authorship attribution is the way of
identifying the author from a linguistic corpus.
This paper demonstrates a guideline to identify the author of a Bengali song from the
lyrics of that song using machine learning. This research work presents the first work on
machine learning approach for author attribution from the lyrics of a song. Here six
methods of machine learning are used for the author identification and high accuracies
have been achieved from these methods. It is observed that Naïve Bayes method provides
higher accuracy in comparison with the other methods.
- M.Sc Thesis/Project [151]