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Now showing items 1-20 of 3095
Liquidity Risk and Profitability Analysis of Prime Bank Limited
(20-05-20)In the present-day, financial institutions like banks play a dynamic force in the economic development of a country and research, survey and many activities are so significant to enhance its working outcomes. A bank offers ... -
Internship Report on HR Practice of SIS Inflexionpoint (BD)
(219-07-31)This report highlights some of the key issues surrounding SIS Inflexionpoint (BD)’s Human Resources Management field. This report is based on current Human Resources Management strategies, practices and human resource ... -
A New Approach for Compressing Color Images using Neural Network
(CIMCA, 2003-02-14)In this paper a neural network based image compression method is presented. Neural networks offer the potential for providing a novel solution to the problem of data compression by its ability to generate an internal data ... -
(2010-01-08)A new miracle recognized as social media has changed the route of our lives over the previous few years. Now-a-days social media create affect in all the aspects of our live, inclusive of the restaurant industry also. The ... -
Attacks classification in adaptive intrusion detection using decision tree
(World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2010-03-22)Recently, information security has become a key issue in information technology as the number of computer security breaches are exposed to an increasing number of security threats. A variety of intrusion detection systems ... -
Adaptive Intrusion Detection based on Boosting and Naïve Bayesian Classifier
(International Journal of Computer Applications, 2011-06-01)In this paper, we introduce a new learning algorithm for adaptive intrusion detection using boosting and naïve Bayesian classifier, which considers a series of classifiers and combines the votes of each individual classifier ... -
Enhanced Classification Accuracy on Naive Bayes Data Mining Models
(International Journal of Computer Applications, 2011-08-01)A classification paradigm is a data mining framework containing all the concepts extracted from the training dataset to differentiate one class from other classes existed in data. The primary goal of the classification ... -
On the Power of Feature Analyzer for Signature Verification
(IEEE, 2012-12-06)This paper is concerned with verification of signatures using feature analysis and non linear classifier. Signatures are collected and scanned to obtain input image. Preprocessing involves removal of noise and making the ... -
An Adaptive Ensemble Classifier for Mining Concept-Drifting Data Streams
(Expert Systems with Applications, 2013-11-01)Traditional data mining techniques cannot be directly applied to the real-time data streaming environment. Existing mining classifiers therefore need to be updated frequently to adopt the changes in data streams. In this ... -
Hybrid decision tree and naïve Bayes classifiers for multi-class classification tasks
(Expert Systems with Applications, 2014-03-31)In this paper, we introduce two independent hybrid mining algorithms to improve the classification accuracy rates of decision tree (DT) and naïve Bayes (NB) classifiers for the classification of multi-class problems. ... -
Socio-political Fabric of Muslim Societies: A Theoretical Approach to Frame ‘Islam’ in Empirical World
(Global Institute for Research & Education, 2014-10-01)Culture and national character of modern nations are predominantly derived from the religious formation of that society. Determining the significance of religion for the societies turns out to be more complex and less ... -
Bangladesh Against Militancy & Terrorism 2016-Jugantor
(Jugantor, 2016-09-04) -
Bangladesh Against Militancy & Terrorism 2016
(Kaler Kantho, 2016-09-07) -
HR Hulk 2016
(Campuslive24, 2016-11-07) -
করুণা নয়, কাজ পাওয়া প্রতিবন্ধীদের অধিকার
(Samakal, 2017-01-23) -
Orientation News Spring 2017
(Dainik Amader Shomoy, 2017-01-27) -
Philosophy of Abenomics
(Daily sun, 2017-03-17)It is often customary to attach the name of a president/prime minister who pursues an innovative set of policies that draws a roadmap in economic growth in the near future from the current poor state of the economy. ... -
Aftermath of Fed Rate Hike
(Daily sun, 2017-03-29)The dawn is now in the world. At last, the Fed has raised the interest rate to prod the economy and to pacify the President! Milton Friedman, the pioneering monetarist and a Nobel Laureate from the University of Chicago ... -
Rationality versus Irrationality
(Daily sun, 2017-04-05)Any introductory textbook on economics always starts with the fundamental assumption of rationality. The rationality axiom guarantees that given scarce resources, a consumer always tries to maximise utility. The ... -
Ceramic Industry and the Budget
(Daily Sun, 2017-05-24)