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dc.contributor.authorFerdous, Ashratun
dc.description.abstractThis report increases practical knowledge. To prepare this report researcher need to learn many things. In this report, the researcher tries to find out what is digital marketing, what is social media, how to do its work and many more. This report uses some secondary data. For this report, find out what factors affecting social media marketing and communication. Here given some important findings. • Without social media marketing and communication increases, a business is totally a tough task. • Here has some key factor that helps to success in social media marketing and communication. • In this overall report, I find out social media marketing importance, how communication helps social media marketing. In a word, this report increases my practical knowledge tremendously. I learn many things from this report that helps in my future progress.en_US
dc.subjectDigital Marketing, Texort Digital Marketing Agency, Social Media Communication.en_US
dc.titleDigital Marketing and Communication Practices by Texort Digital Marketing Agency: A hands-on initiative through Social Media Communicationen_US

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