Vendor Management Practice of Robi Axiata Limited
Robi Axiata Limited is the 2nd operating network in Bangladesh. Robi is trying to be the number one network in our country and Robi is competing with Grameenphone. Robi focuses on customer satisfaction. To gain customer satisfaction and proving the best service to its customers Robi’s Supply Chain Management is playing a vital role. This report has been geared up to understand how Robi Axiata Limited manages its vendors or business partners. The entire report is divided into a few chapters. In the first chapter, the report gives a brief introduction to the telecommunication sector of Bangladesh. The later chapter contains a company overview and its related information. The next chapter describes my job responsibilities and my insights. Another chapter will show in detail how the entire procurement process of Robi Axiata Limited functions. In the next part, the summarization of my key responsibilities is given. The next part discusses the major learning reflections. At the last part recommendation and implementation plans are given.
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