Corporate Social Responsibility of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business model that integrates the self-regulatory ingredients into a corporation’s practices to meet the standards of ethics or social norms held by stakeholders to limit the government’s role in, develop positive public relations, market regulation and increasing employee satisfaction & profits. CSR is that how a company manages its business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society. It includes social impact, sustainability, and ethics, and done appropriately so that it should be about the core business. Islamic metaphysics foster us to success in life hither & hereafter. To earn this success AIBL follows this way ordered by the Holy Quran and the path shown by Rasul (SM).
In internship report, mentioned about CSR activities of the bank. In this my internship report I was assigned to make a report on “CSR activities of Al- Arafah bank”, Islamic bankers and the desire of all-powerful Allah prepare Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited. This is the most prominent bank in Bangladesh. AIBL is customer-oriented and modern Islamic banking consistent growth in making quality and mobilizing deposits. AL-Arafah Islami Bank has a foundation philanthropic launching activities Al- Arafah Islamic school and college and a library are the major two wings for launching philanthropic activities.
- General [1385]