Evaluation of Customer Engagement in Mobile Telecommunication Industry: A Study on Selected Operators in Bangladesh
The report is concerned with the evaluation of customer engagement in mobile telecommunication industry. The study considered three operators of Bangladesh: Grameen phone, Robi and Bangla Link. Customer engagement is all about emotional relationship with brand and customer. This customer engagement could be reaction, interaction, effect of customer overall experience. The first objective is to review the constructs of customer engagement along with the theoretical underpinnings. Another objective is to clarify the context of the study by evaluating mobile telecommunication industry in general, and the brief reviews of the three organizations considered in this study: GP, Robi, and Banglalink. The study intended to examine the reliability of each construct considered in the study: extrinsic value, intrinsic value, company connection, goodwill equation, customer loyalty. For the purpose of evaluating the reliability of these constructs, Cronbach Alpha value were calculated for each of these constructs and values were found in the acceptable range. The study also intended to examine if extrinsic value, intrinsic value, company connection, goodwill equation, customer loyalty vary across the brands considered in this study: GP, Robi, and Banglalink and it was found that only goodwill connection varies across the brands. It has been found that among all the independent variables (the dimensions of customer engagement) considered in the study, only affective communication is found to influence customer loyalty. Though the relationship was statistically significant, low R2 value of indicates a very weak relationship between them.
- Marketing [303]