Project Report (BBA): Recent submissions
Now showing items 381-400 of 959
Internal Audit Procedure in Bangladesh (An Experience at Greenland Technologies Limited)
(2021-04-20)The report entitled "Bangladesh Internal Audit Procedures: The Experience of GETCO Group in Bangladesh" introduced the experience gained during the internship. The purpose of this report is to explain the procedures and ... -
Gaps in translating IAS 1 into practice: An examination of Financial Statements of Bangladeshi companies
(2021-04-04)In recent days, the complication in business has made accounting bookkeeping more difficult than before. The use of technology, tools and software have been a major breakthrough for accounting professionals. However, the ... -
Impact of covid-19 on the financial innovation in Bangladesh
(2021-03-28)Swift novelty has affected the progressive economic atmosphere extremely, particularly the effect of financial innovation on financial system, both as to digit as well as standard (Błach, 2011). Both the developed and ... -
" Conventional and Islamic Indices in Bangladesh: A Comparison on Performance and Volatility"
(2021-03-16)The purpose of this study was to identify and compare the performance and volatility of Islamic and conventional stock indices of Bangladesh. The study adopts (1) Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to compare the performance ... -
(2021-03-11)COVID 19, that occurs due to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS, COV-2) is spreading at a faster rate beyond imagination and the number of infected people in densely populated country is growing rapidly (Dashraath et ... -
Working capital Management in Pharmaceutical Industry Bangladesh.
(United International University, 2021-03-09)This report reflects the Working Capital Management in Pharmaceutical Industry in Bangladesh. I selected five market leaders from pharmaceutical industry and used four years’ data for analyzing. The secondary data have ... -
Project Report on The Impact of COVID-19 in The Human Resources Management of The Organizations in Bangladesh
(2021-03-06)The COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh is component of the worldwide pandemic of (COVID-19) caused by corona virus. The virus was verified to spread to Bangladesh in March 2020. From March 2020 to December 2020 this pandemic ... -
The impact of the International Financial Reporting Standards on the quality of Banking Industry in Bangladesh: A case study on the impact of the IFRS on the quality of financial statements of top four Banks in Bangladesh
(United International University, 2021-02-23)The study showed how banks can succeed by following IFRS in recognizing, measuring, and disclosing its transaction as well as preparing financial statements. Besides, this study also showed the management’s proper choices ... -
“Cyber Risk for Banks & Approaches to strength the cyber security system”
(2021-02-22)The Internship program creates the opportunities to gain the practical knowledge from different corporations. This program also gives the scope to learn the corporate environment and helps to work on technical things. I ... -
Financial Statement Analysis of Pharmaceutical Industry
(2021-02-20)This project is primarily showed the financial performances of Pharmaceutical Industry by taking the sample of 10 Pharmaceutical Company’s 5 years data with the aid of ratio analysis of fifteen different ratios. The ... -
General Banking Activities of Agrani Bank Limited
(2021-02-20)An internship program plays a significant role in providing a crucial experience of a real job experience. A better co ordination among theory and practice can be increased to complete this program. The report is a ... -
A Study on Financial Performance, Growth & Sustainability of ACI Limited
(United International University, 2021-02-18)In this paper, the Financial performance and growth and sustainability of an organizing has been analyzed. After the introduction, the analysis has started from the second chapter. The Horizontal and Vertical analysis have ... -
“Association between Corporate Governance and Profitability – An empirical Study on some companies in Bangladesh”.
(2021-02-12)Corporate Governance is the set of some factors that provides guidelines to a company how to be directed and controlled. Corporate governance promotes corporate ethics, fairness, accountability and transparency. At present, ... -
Voluntary disclosure practices in pharmaceutical industries of Bangladesh
(2021-02-10)In this report, voluntary disclosure of nine pharmaceutical industries are shown in their respective annual report. This report consists detail information of 36 items of voluntary disclosures in annual report. Here nine ... -
Impact of COVID-19 on Human Resource Management Practices of FMCG Industry in Bangladesh
(United International University, 2021-01-30)This project report provides a detailed discussion about the impacts of Covid-19 virus on the Human Resources Management practices of FMCG industry. FMCG industry is one of the fastest growing segments of the market. ... -
Project Report on An Analysis on the Activites of Human Resources Management Practices in Aarong
(United International University, 2020-01-21)In this report under first chapter, the background of the report, origin of the report, rationale of the study, methodology, scope of the report, limitations, goals, objectives and described purpose of the report has been ... -
Project Report on Performance Appraisal on Banking Industry of Bangladesh
(United International University, 2020-01-21)This project report is based on ‘Performance Appraisal of Banking Industry in Bangladesh’ in both private and public banks. In order to prepare this report several private and public banks of our country have been visited ... -
Investment Procedure of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd.
(United International University, 2021-02-01)Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited (AIBL) is a commercial bank who executes their business from the perspective of Islamic Sariah. As a rule imposed by UGC is to do and submit a project report at the end of BBA program as a ... -
(2021-01-07)Corporate social responsibility (CSR) become a global sensation in recent years. For the developed countries CSR concept were present in their business activity but for Bangladesh the concept was new. In Bangladesh, CSR ... -
General Banking Activities on NRB Commercial Bank Limited
(2021-01-08)In the last term of conclusive year of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) course, I was shipped off NRB Commercial Bank Limited to have an even minded presentation on financial exercises under the program "Activities ...