A comprehensive analysis of Audit Procedures of alternative Cash Incentive in BD (RMG Sector)
This report titled "A comprehensive analysis of Audit Procedures of alternative Cash Incentive in BD (RMG Sector)" - - is composed on the premise of experience accumulated through working as an intern for 12 weeks in Howlader Yunus & Co. Chartered Accountants. This report is a result of the combination of the knowledge of under-graduate program and the experience around the viable working environment. The point of this report is to examine the strategies and steps that are taken by the auditors, senior auditors as well as supervisors of Howlader Yunus & Co. Chartered Accountants amid an audit of alternative cash incentive within the RMG sector. The report is separated into six distinctive chapters. In first chapter (Chapter 1), the reason and the purpose for which the report has been prepared, objective as well as importance of preparing the report, and limitation that were confronted whereas preparing the report is mentioned. In Chapter Two (Chapter-2), the historical background of the firm and their works, data about the partners and firm’s values, mission, vision and services that are being given by the firm has been talked about. In Chapter Three (Chapter 3) literature review on audit procedures of alternative cash incentive has been discussed briefly. I have mentioned the Methodology of this report in chapter Four (Chapter 4). In the Fifth chapter (chapter 5), I have discussed about the theoretical framework of audit procedures of alternative cash incentive in RMG segment and some accounting terms for understanding the topic easily. In chapter six (Chapter 6) which is the analysis and findings portion, all the related import and export documents, all other critical data as well as all the procedures that are entirely taken after for issuing cash incentive certificates are talked about in details. In addition, the report includes how a client draws the firm closer or how the firm itself approaches a client. Other than that on the premise of restriction and impediments, I have recommended a few suggestions to move forward with the audit process.
- General [1385]