Marketing: Recent submissions
Now showing items 241-260 of 303
EXAMINING THE IMPACT OF BRAND TRUST ON BRAND EQUITY A Study on Smart Phone Handsets Industry in Bangladesh
(2018-11-07)The study intended to examine the impact of the various facets of brand trust, brand reliability (BR) and brand intention (BI), on Overall Customer Satisfaction. The study also intended to measure their impact on Brand ... -
Effects of Promotional Mix on Sales Performance of ACI Coil
(2018-11-06)ACI Limited is one of the most popular corporate names in Bangladesh. It is the most trusted brand as well as ensured quality product supplier. The report is designed on the basis on my theoretical knowledge and practical ... -
Analyzing Service Quality of UIU Transport and Canteen: An Application of SERVQUAL Method
(2018-11-05)Service quality is a good measure for knowing about the performance of any service provider. This paper investigates the service quality expectations and perceptions of UIU transportation and canteen. This paper also examine ... -
Level of Customer Satisfaction at Dutch Bangla Bank Limited, DBBL
(2018)In Bangladesh Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited is one of the best commercial bank among all banks. in Bangladesh it is very competitive for Banking industry and in the sector of industrial banking, the rivalry is too high. In ... -
Digital Marketing practices in Mbrella Ltd
(2018)The report initially contains a brief introduction of ‘Mbrella Ltd’ and the services it provides. Afterwards, the significance of the study is mentioned along with the services ‘Mbrella Ltd’ provides. The Effectiveness ... -
Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices of Digital Brochure in Bangladesh
(2018-10-29)This research based on the pharmaceutical market, where Bangladesh’s pharmaceutical market follows a digital brochure for marketing purposes. I have tried my best for presenting my paper as clear as possible. The objective ... -
Market Development Activities of Angelic Air Freshener. A Hands-on Initiative of ACI Consumer Brand Division.
(2018)ACI Limited is one of the most leading FMCG’s of Bangladesh. Besides manufacturing own products, ACI imports many globally acclaimed products. ACI Angelic Air Freshener is one of the home care products around our country. ... -
Organic Food Development and Brand Communication influencing Consumer Conviction in Bangladesh
(2018)This current study is concern for organic food of Bangladesh which is getting good locus now a day. Here I want to create Brand image of organic Food and succeeding to feel our target. Through this study researcher is ... -
Evaluating the Impact of Brand Attachment on Brand Equity: A Study on Selected Brands of Smart Phone Handsets
(2018-10-27)Brand Equity is a term that is much often used in marketing context but its meaning still remains unclear in the mind of many. A proper exact definition will include the term value and consumer’s perception, both of which ... -
(United International University, 2018-10-24)The restaurant business is widespread among the major areas of Dhaka metropolitan area and city people more often visits and spends their time with their friends and family. As in Dhaka, there are not a lot of options for ... -
Electronic Banking and Customer Satisfaction- A Case Study on NRB Commercial Bank Limited, Dhanmondi Mohila Branch.
(2018-10-22)A Bank is a financial foundation whose fundamental point is to acquire benefit through trade of cash and credit instruments. At present this segment is ending up to a high degree aggressive with the entry of multinational ... -
Marketing Practices of ACI Limited-A Case Study on ACI Mosquito Aerosol
(2018-10-21)Marketing ability is the thing in which financial success depends for a company. All the other departments like finance, operations, accounting, and other functions will not work properly if there are no marketing practices ... -
Branding Effect of Consumer Purchase Decision on Soft Drinks in Bangladesh
(2018)The main objective of this research paper is to identify the branding effect of consumer purchase decision on soft drinks in Bangladesh. The whole research has been done based on the consumer preference towards soft drinks ... -
Customers’ Perception of Service Quality: A Case Study on City Bank Limited
(2018-10-20)The title of the report is “Customers’ Perception of Service Quality- A Case Study on City Bank Limited.” This study tries to understand the customers’ perceptions of different service quality when they were dealing with ... -
Impact of Social Media on Students’ Pre-purchase Decision Making Process
(2018-10-16)The study’s general objective was to establish the impact of social media on students’ pre-purchase decision-making process (A case study of United International University). The study was guided by the following a specific ... -
Marketing Practice of BDSoft IT SOLUTIONS
(2018-10-10)I am within the last trimester of the ultimate year of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) course, I used to be chosen by BDSoft IT SOLUTIONS to own a live and sensible expertise on promoting activities. it's one ... -
M- Commerce Business Model development: A focused study on Mobile Technology
(2018)This report covers a brief understanding over the M- Commerce. This report mainly focuses on the business development model of M- Commerce sector and a focused study based on mobile technology. Mobile technology has ... -
Health Challenges in Bangladesh Based on Adulteration of Food and Beverages
(2018-10-06)Food and beverages which are manufactured or processed is mostly insecure for consumption because these are adulterated by different ways in Bangladesh. From preparation to consumption at every stage of food chain this ... -
Evaluating Customer Engagement: A study on Mobile Handset Industry in Bangladesh
(2018-09-22)This report is a pre-requisite of completion of the BBA Program. In this phase of my education I received the practical knowledge related with my education also I achieved commendable knowledge about the Mobile Handsets ...