Marketing Strategies of United Commercial Bank Limited (Khilkhet Branch)
Marketing Strategy is a business concept whereby companies set their overall game plan for their target customers to increase their sales & profits. The report, titled ‘Marketing Strategies of United Commercial Bank Limited’ has been prepared for the fulfillment of the internship program, which is also a requirement of the BBA program. The primary purpose of this intern report is to find out the following strategies for the marketing sector. This report consists of six chapters titled introduction, company and industry preview, methodology, analysis and findings, internship experience, and recommendations. In this descriptive type of research, both primary and secondary data were used. In chapter two are highlighted by company’s mission vision, their core values, a hierarchy system, their objectives, their products & services, general banking activities, SWOT analysis & industry analysis. In the main part which is findings & analysis is covered by the segmentation process of United Commercial Bank Limited, their target customers & their positioning strategies and also I have tried to find out their marketing 7ps of marketing mix strategies which they are following for their bank industry. According to these researches I have tried to give some recommendations in chapter six.
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