Measuring Effectiveness of Different IMC Tools for Consumer Goods: A study on ACI Foods Ltd
Project report is a complete research paper writing concept which is a fundamental course during under-graduation period of BBA program. The theoretical based education including classroom based education is merely not enough for learning the basic concept of business studies. A vast concept of business marketing is the one of the core topic of discussion; taking marketing as a major subject during the BBA program I learned different types of marketing concepts through the time. It’s a great opportunity for me not only me even though for all student of BBA program to learn the brief theory the course. As this project report is prepared for fulfilling the requirements of university’s program context. The topic of my project is the measuring the effectiveness of different IMC tools on consumer goods a study of ACI Foods Ltd. the central persistence of this report is to discuss the different marketing tools specially the IMC- the integrated marketing communication and utilization in product positioning for targeting the actual mind set of target consumer.
This report content is about the brief introduction of background study with limitation and problem statement along with scope of the limitation about using IMC tools using in product placing most importantly the brand value creation for target consumer.
As well as focus on the conceptual framework in a descriptive roles and dimensions of IMC tools castoff in marketing communication such as advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, publicity/public relation and personal selling along with the discussion of barriers and limitation. Overall a study justification and content literature review described in this report to make strong and informative study.
The core focus in this study based development process also in a non-probabilistic sampling method which is used to distinguish the research design with a frame work for analyzing. For sampling it has been used 50 people as respondent with self-administrated questionnaires for collecting the data and proper analyzed with effective appropriate instruments, which supported the report immensely.
An overview of consumer goods and its industry perspective in Bangladesh was included to determine marketing promotional activities. Not only promotional factors as well as the product market place, market segmentation, stakeholders and sector, decision making process, and the customer growth opportunity and potentiality in the great economy of Bangladesh mentioned carefully.
Also, the brief marketing operation in promotional divisional of ACI foods ltd also mentioned for in depth knowledge of integrated marketing communication implication along with barriers and opportunities through SOWT analysis and other findings from critical analysis by the performance and integrity of the organization accordingly IMC implication along with necessary recommendations also added in this report.
In a nutshell the IMC practice by using various tools accordingly product dimension in the placement is ensured with the value proposition of the target consumer as well as highly concern for the competitive market place also for highly profit growth organization in the growing economy in Bangladesh.
- Marketing [303]