Project Report on Customer Satisfaction of Daraz Bangladesh
The failure of the most promising e-commerce company in Bangladesh- Evaly has surprised the entire country. Evaly was often regarded as the amazon of Bangladesh. However, the dream of making this company into a giant one like Amazon, Alibaba is now broken. But how come this bold initiative failed. After evaly had been forced to change their business policy by the government because of the alleged anomalities, other e-businesses soon got into trouble. The famous e-companies like Alishamart, E-orange shut down their operation. People have already lost trust in e-business in Bangladesh. In this circumstance, Daraz – one of the leading e-business in Bangladesh is running their business quite well; however, the complaints regarding Daraz’s product category, delivey system, and payment method, behaviours of customer and delivery personnel are not uncommon. This study aims to determine Daraz customers’ satisfaction level and the areas of their dissatisfaction. Based on a review of the literarure on factors of online customer satisfaction and theories of customer satisfaction, a survey was conducted taking a random sample of 50 people. Analysis of the responses demonstrated that Daraz customers consider ceratain variables when they choose which e-sites they should purchase from. The results also indicate what factors they give more priority as they have ranked the factors. After the analysis of the problems, some suggestions have been proposed which can be helpful to improve the gratification of Daraz customers.
- Marketing [303]