This report provides a study and collected information on “Training practices & procedure that is followed and applied by Mutual Trust Bank Limited (MTB))”. Method of findings and analysis include both primary and secondary data. The method of analysis includes frequency distribution of the collected data. The primary data was collected by face to face conversation with officers
and customers and the secondary data was collected from company’s annual reports, website and other yearly reports. This report also includes an overview of Mutual Trust Bank Limited (MTBL), services and products, working experience during the internship period and operation of foreign exchange department of MTBL. The report also includes the fact that the analysis conducted has limitations. Based on the data, this report finds that most of the customers are satisfied with the quality of service provided by the foreign trade department of MTBL. However, in case of the overall environment, service charges, and timeliness, some of the customers were dissatisfied with the service quality of the Foreign Exchange department and but due to some networking error, some card holding customers are dissatisfied to MTBL. MTBL should focus on these issues in order to improve their quality of service in Foreign Exchange department and card divisions. A bank’s performance and profit largely depend on its divisions.
I have completed my internship at MTBTI because I have preferred to work in this area and I think MTBTI is the best training institution for all sectors because of its good accommodation, providing best speakers to the trainees, and it also has a sophisticated management system.
- General [1385]