Training and development process of Ad Din Foundation
Ad-din Foundation is a reputed organization in Bangladesh. Ad-din Foundation was established in 1980. At present, Ad-din has numerous ongoing projects, including hospitals in Dhaka, Keranigonj, Jessore, Kushtia, Khulna, and Postogola, as well as medical colleges in Dhaka, Jessore, Keranigonj, and Khulna, nursing colleges in Dhaka, and nursing institutes in Dhaka, Jessore, and Kushtia.
This report focuses on training and development process of Ad Din Foundation and its effectiveness. This report covers all the relevant information regarding the training and development process throughout my internship program.
The report is divided into Five chapters, with the first chapter dealing with the introduction, Scope, Background and objectives of the study along with this here also discuss methodology of the report in this report is conducted through primary and secondary data for primary data collection use a formal questionnaire. In The second chapter provide literature review on HR function and on training and development. In The third chapter provide details information of Ad Din Foundation. The fourth chapter contains data analysis and of survey of employees, and management interviews. The fifth chapter presents the findings and recommendations based on the entire report.
The main findings of the study indicate that Ad Din Foundation regularly arranges training programs and Ad Din Foundation's training sessions help their employee to understanding their job more clearly, personal Development and Adapting with new technology. Furthermore, the Training and development program have great impact on job performance and it improve job Commitment of Employee.
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