Talent Acquisition & Selection Process of GPH Ispat Ltd.
The study examines the recruitment and selection of employees within the framework of GPH Ispat Ltd, a prestigious manufacturer. The two major objectives of this academic internship report are to complete a prerequisite for the BBA degree and to get a deeper understanding about HRM theory and its practical implementations. The secondary goals encompass my knowledge of the hiring and screening procedure and how the organization handles the entire hiring and screening process is discussed at the beginning of the introduction.
According to the methodology, this study relies on primary data such as practical experience, in-person conversations, direct observations etc. and websites, previous studies, associated research papers, and other publications that were collected through a qualitative interview with my supervisor Farhana Parven, HRBP-Sales & Marketing, from the Human Resources (HR) department of GPH Ispat Ltd serve as secondary data. The information was gathered using a pre-designed questionnaire and analyzed with the help of reading materials, on-the-ground knowledge, and previous trends. There were constraints on the study, including data confidentiality, time restraints, and insufficient data.
There are seven chapters in the entire report. Introduction, Scope of the Study, Objectives of the Report, Report Methodology, and Limitations of the Report are all covered in the first chapter. I have provided report's literature review in the second chapter. It discusses the recruitment and selection processes, their significance, how they might aid in the growth of an organization, and other topics. To provide the reader a comprehensive understanding of the organization, I have included an overview, corporate information, products and services, mission and vision of GPH Ispat Ltd. in the third chapter.
The recruitment and selection procedure are the focus of the fourth chapter, including how it is carried out, how long it takes, a sample job posting, difficulties that employees encounter, etc. Chapter 5 provides a detailed explanation of what I discovered regarding the method, the issues, and the obstacles that arise in the process. The conclusion of this chapter comprises general observations and my experience during my internship time frame. I have also included my recommendation and remedies to the difficulties in this chapter. References and appendices utilized in the internship report are included in the last chapter.
- General [1403]