An Evaluation of Service Quality at the Janata Bank Limited
Service quality measures how well a company meets consumers expectations in terms of the services it provides. The aim of this report is to analyze the service quality and customer satisfaction of Janata Bank Limited. The report has been carefully prepared using the knowledge gained from the internship experience at Janata Bank Limited on service quality and customer satisfaction. To measure the level of service quality, a structured questionnaire was used that contains five service quality dimensions, including service reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible. Starting from its inception to its latest achievements, the report covers the most significant attributes of this reputed bank. From the very beginning of its journey in Bangladesh, Janata Bank has constantly faced challenges and obstacles, but its image has only gotten better with time. In the current scenario, Janata Bank is one of the most dominant and prestigious banks in Bangladesh. Besides all of these, it is progressively contributing to society and the economy at large, which is a great achievement as well as an asset for our country. Over time, the demand and popularity of this bank increased to the point that it now has a total of 915 branches all over Bangladesh. And on this date, it is known as the second-largest commercial bank in the country. This report also discusses the values, strengths, and image of Janata Bank Limited. To identify and understand the image this reputed bank holds in its consumers minds, a survey has been designed and used to assess the satisfaction level of the consumers. And it has been measured with the help of five focal points known as “SERVQUAL Dimensions”. In this section, the image and impact of Janata Bank on customers minds have been analyzed, which had a fair share of both negative and positive feedback. And based on the feedback and evidence, certain recommendations were suggested in the report.
Lastly, it should be noted that, this report has been concluded based on personal experience, knowledge, and responsibilities. Hence, it is expected that the reader will gain valuable insight and outlook on this matter.
- General [1403]