Sales and Marketing Activities at Brac Aarong E-commerce
One of the requirements for my BBA degree was this report, which I wrote in order to complete. This report is written based on my experience as an intern at the Brac-Aarong E-commerce sector in their sales and marketing department and their activities.
It is divided into 8 chapters and those are first the introduction, second one is company profile, third one is Activities of Aarong E-commerce, fourth is my experience as an intern in Aarong E-commerce, fifth is SWOT analysis, sixth is the recommendations, and conclusion and the rest are the appendix and bibliography. I was the only intern in spring 2023 who had the privilege to work for 3 units including business analytics, Facebook shop, and Aarong Earth. As a supply chain student, I was very much appreciated in the company and I was asked to write a report on forecasting which later they used it for a project. They also assigned me work which was related to supply chain. This internship has taught me a lot and I have divided my experience into sub-points saying how much it has taught me. I have also done a SWOT analysis of Aarong and given some recommendations that I think can be quite helpful b for the brand and for its employees.
- General [1385]