Online Recruitment and Selection Process of IDLC Finance Limited
The purpose of this report is to examine the efficacy of Online Recruitment and Selection Process at IDLC, emphasizing its benefits, challenges, and potential improvement areas. Three months were devoted to study within the organization.
The report begins with a comprehensive overview of IDLC, covering its historical development, diversified activities, and financial standing. This provides context for the organization's recruitment and selection strategy and sets the groundwork for the subsequent analysis. The core of the report is a study that investigates the benefits of implementing an online recruitment and selection procedure. The study focuses predominantly on the cost-effectiveness of incorporating an online testing platform and the reactions of candidates to this change. The results illuminate the possible advantages of this transformation. The report acknowledges its limitations as a result of the three-month research period, which may have limited the depth of data acquisition and analysis. In addition, concerns about confidentiality limited the extensive use of sensitive data. The section that follows provides a comprehensive overview of the internship experience. This section describes the internship's roles, responsibilities, outcomes, and any obstacles encountered. It provides context for the subsequent analysis of the company's online recruitment and selection procedure. Based on the findings of the study, the report recommends that IDLC continue to embrace online testing platforms, particularly iMocha. It highlights the potential for increased cost-effectiveness and candidate evaluation with this modern approach. The report highlights the potential for this modernized methodology to improve the organization's recruitment and selection practices, leading to increased efficacy and enhanced candidate evaluation.
- General [1403]