An overview Activities of the Bengal Group of Industries and its Accounting Practice
Through the growth of market capitalization and industrial revolution, the Bengal Group of Industries (BGI) is providing major contributions to the nation’s economic development. The report attempts to analyse the overall activities of BGI to discover their operational efficiency and to measure the effectiveness of their accounting policies and practices adopted beside identifying their major problems & suggest how to overcome those problems. Both primary and secondary data were utilised to prepare the report.
This report under study is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter of this study deals with the introductory part that presents the background of BGI, origin of the report, objective of the report, background history of the report, scope of the report, methodology the study & limitation of the report. The Second Chapter is about the company’s overview, historical background, mission & vision, and goal of the BGI. It further entails the company’s corporate profile and discussion on the business concern of BGI and SWOT analysis of the BGI.
The Third Chapter is all about industry analysis, and the complete advantage that BGI presently enjoying. The Fourth Chapter exhibits my internship experience at BGI, whereas the fifth chapter includes company level, market level analysis and professional level analysis of the BGI. The Sixth chapter includes conclusion and recommendation of the study and recommendations were based on analysis of the whole study. The Chapter Seventh is all about Referencing of this report. The main findings of the study suggest that BGI accounting policy is very restrictive, and the industry has little concern about software usage and is reluctant to automation and their salary disbursement process is very lengthy as well. Some recommendations of the study are: Employee training for ERP & Var Vision must be provided on-site by a team of experts in order for workers to become proficient with the program. Besides, they ought to prioritize collaboration with other industries more.
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