Now showing items 121-140 of 151

    • EoT: Ensemble of Trees For Classifying High Dimensional Imbalanced Data 

      Huda, Md. Nurul (2018-02-27)
      Class imbalance classification is a challenging research problem in data mining and machine learning, as most of the real-life datasets are often imbalanced in nature. Existing learning algorithms maximize the classification ...
    • Tab-based Customer Feedback System 

      rahman, Md. Moksedur (United International University, 2018-03-06)
      Customer feedback offers to a company to improving quality of services by their valued feedback. A company should have a choice to use a number of tools to know what is happening inside organization. The most common use ...
    • Improvement Of Performance Of Association Rule Mining Using Apriori Algorithm and Logistic Regression 

      Basunia, Ahsan-Ul-Habib (United International University, 2018-03-06)
      In this research we like to apply popular data mining techniques e.g. Apriori algorithm on Health and Demographic Surveillance System , Matlab data of International Center for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh ...
    • Md. Ziaul Haq 

      haq, Ziaul (United International University, 2018-03-06)
      Many small to medium scaled business facing some problem quite randomly to extend and manage their business according to the accounts and products information. Most cases business owner uses some automated software to ...
    • A Comparative Analysis of Sorting Algorithms with focus on Merge Sort 

      Sikder, Ashim Kumar (United International University, 2018-03-09)
      In our thesis work, we try to find out the efficiency of several sorting algorithms and generate a comparative report according to performance, based on experimental data size and data order for all algorithm. To do this ...
    • Predict Upcoming Movie Rating Using IMDB Dataset 

      Ifatullah, G. K. M (United International University, 2018-03-09)
      Predicting a movie’s box office and viewer’s expectation success is a crucial issue since it does not always depend on its nature and condition only. External component such as competing movies of release date, time, ...
    • DIGITAL WALLET (Electronic Financial Transaction System) 

      ISLAM, MD MAHBUBUL (2018-02-27)
      Main goal of this project is reduce the transaction of physical cash. Cash transaction open the door of money Laundering. Money laundering is harmful for countries economy. Without banking transactions, no transaction is ...
    • Travel Management System for NGO 

      Jahra, Fatema Tuj (2018-02-27)
      There are many Travel Management Applications that manages tours, travels and booking of hotel and transport. But no customizable application is available for tracking the approval process and tour details. It’s not that ...
    • An Automated Intelligent E-learning Approach for Ensuring Learning Outcomes 

      Chowdury, Hossain Ashik Mahmud (2018-02-27)
      E-learning is an innovative and effective way to perceive knowledge in the modern world. The web-based interactive system has become one of the most common needs in our generation. Thus E-learning has achieved enormous ...
    • Micro Finance Management 

      Rashid, Nadia (United International University, 2018-03-04)
      Microfinance is driving as a Poverty Reducing Tool by both the government and nongovernmental organizations in Bangladesh. It serves not only to meet financial needs but also contributes to other social and institutional ...
    • O2P(Order to Payment) 

      Islam, H. M. Saiful (United International University, 2018-03-04)
      One of the oldest industries, which fulfill the basic needs of mankind, is Trading Company. It has become very important for a Trading Company to integrate with Information Technology to survive in this era of competition. ...
    • Web based incident management 

      Ahmed, Jubayer (United International University, 2018-03-04)
      Incident management is the principle part of getting a handle on IT service management problems. Basically it is the first step of the process of incident management. An useful incident management most of the time ...
    • Cluster-Based Under-Sampling with Random Forest for Multi-Class Imbalanced Classification 

      Arafat, Md. Yasir (2018-02-19)
      Multi-class imbalanced classification has emerged as a very challenging re- search area in machine learning for data mining applications. It occurs when the number of training instances representing majority class instances ...
    • Machine Learning for Mining Imbalanced Data 

      Hoque, Sabera (2018-02-19)
      Mining imbalanced data, which is also known as class imbalanced problem is one of the most enormous challenging tasks in machine learning for data mining applications. To achieve overall accurate performance in imbalanced ...
    • An Evaluation of Automated Credit Scoring System for Financial Services in Developing Countries 

      Unknown author (2018-02-26)
      As the world is dependent on monetary stuff, credit has become consequential in our way of life. Therefore, credit scoring has become a comprehensively practiced strategy that helps bank and other financial organizations ...
    • A University website using Content Management System (CMS) and add-on plugins 

      Rab, Sanjida (United International University, 2018-02-12)
      Thousands of students take the decision that will have the significant impact on the rest of their live. This decision will affect their career, earnings, and professional development. A university website is the first ...
    • Online Movie Ticket booking System 

      Tazin, Nur-E-Sava (United International University, 2018-02-04)
      Online movie ticket booking system is a web based ticket booking system. Now a day’s people are very much dependent on internet. They like to do every day to day life chores or necessities in online because it is more ...
    • DNA Binding Protein Identification Using HMM Profile 

      Zaman, Rianon (2018-02-06)
      DNA-binding proteins play important role in various processes within the cell.Various machine learning classification algorithms and feature extraction techniques have been used to solve this computational problem of ...
    • Restaurant Order Processing & Management on the Cloud 

      Alam, Md. Khairul (United International University, 2018-01-28)
      We have all heard about cloud computing for once at least in our lifetime. Cloud Computing is really a fancy term which basically means your data is stored somewhere in a physical location but they are almost always ...