Internship Report on "A-Z of Lammim Apparels Ltd. - An Entrepreneurial Perspective".
Lammim Apparels Ltd., located in Ashulia, is a state-of-the-art joint venture plant that collaborates
with international fashion companies to produce and sell a wide range of high-quality knitwear,
including T-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, and nightwear. The company places a strong
emphasis on compliance, social responsibility, and creating a positive workplace environment.
Founded with a commitment to delivering value and transparency, Lammim has quickly established
itself as a trusted provider of premium knitwear in the global market. Lammim's dedication to ethical
business conduct and emphasis on quality have helped the firm establish a strong reputation as a
trustworthy provider of top-notch goods on the international market. Lammim is steadily developing
a reputation as a premier business partner for significant global organizations. Its primary
specializations are value development, high-quality networks, and systems. The firm can make up to
600,000 pieces each month with 16 sewing lines running, which considerably increases the
employment of women in Bangladesh. Mohammed Akter Hossain, actively serves as the company’s
Chairman and Managing Director with the aim of protecting the earth and its priceless natural
resources via sustainable business methods. The firm has grown significantly and substantially during
the last 31 years.
I acquired practical expertise in a number of production-related areas during my internship at
Lammim Apparels, including fabric selection, quality control, and packing. Through this experience,
my practical skills, such as risk-taking, communication, and interpersonal skills, were developed.
These talents will provide a solid basis for my future career in the textile sector.
Additionally, the internship gave me some insightful knowledge about business procedures and the
management of a sizable organization like Lammim Apparels. I had the chance to learn about the
complexities of managing a successful company from the Company’s Chairman and the staff. The
internship at Lammim Apparels has been a rewarding and instructive opportunity. My knowledge of
the textile and clothing manufacturing industry has increased, and it has sharpened my abilities and
strengthened my desire to pursue a career in the garment manufacturing industry.
- General [1403]