Digital Transformation of Microfinance Payment Systems by bKash
bKash's digital transformation in Bangladesh's microfinance industry is a major initiative that aims to revolutionize how MFIs operate and offer services. As Bangladesh's largest MFS provider, bKash is helping microfinance institutions (MFIs) shift from conventional techniques to more efficient and transparent digital payment systems.
The report is based on the digital transformation that has taken place in the microfinance industry with the payment systems of bKash Limited. This report aims to thoroughly examine the experiences and lessons I learned during my internship at bKash Limited, specifically in the Microfinance Payment team under the Commercial Division. The core objective is to evaluate the impact of digitalization of payment by bKash in the context of microfinance sector of the country.
The report outlines the background of the Microfinance industry and its contributions to the economy of Bangladesh, followed by the revolution that took place due to the digitalization of the payment system introduced by bKash.
bKash’s intent on digital transformation involves the integration of mobile wallets with microfinance institutions, which allows people in rural and distant areas to receive and make digitalpayment effortlessly. The digitalization of these transactions has helped bKash to reduce the inefficiencies including the delays which were associated with traditional cash-based payment systems that facilitated the users with a quick and reliable fund transfer access.
The report also dives deep into the competitive dynamics, the regulatory environment, and the current scenario of the MFS industry. Apart from discussing about bKash Limited, the report also talks about the duties and responsibilities of the Microfinance Payment Team. Additionally, the report illustrates the process of onboarding a microfinance organization under the bKash platform.
Lastly, my hands-on internship experience has been portraited in this report where I discussed about the job duties and daily responsibilities as an intern while also provided a few recommendations from the perspective of an intern.
- General [1403]