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dc.contributor.authorChandana, Nahida Sultana Akand
dc.description.abstractThis report addresses the impact of soft skills training on the behavior and performance optimizations of employees at Walton Plaza. The study seeks to address the research questions, such as how developing soft skills that include effective communication, efficient teamwork, effective problem solving, and attention to detail will help optimize job performance. Approximately 60% of the participants reported self-reported improvement in their professionalism, self-assurance, work-life balance, and stress-handling management after the training attended. However, some areas of concern remain for professionalism at Walton Plaza. The problems included the long hierarchical organizational structure limiting most employees' participation in the decision-making process; there were also six workdays which were so long that many employees were burned out. Lastly, refine recruiting to ensure the company hires the best soft skills, which is in line with the company culture and values. In summary, this report underpins that every employee training should incorporate the skills that are to be helpful. The positive results achieved by the trainees illustrate how such initiatives can result in better performance on jobs, stronger interpersonal relationships at work, and great satisfaction overall. All these combined into a general strategy improve all employees' performance, contributing toward Walton Plaza's long-term viability-terms appropriate marketplaceen_US
dc.publisherUnited International Universityen_US
dc.subjectSoft Skill, Employee Engagement, Long Term Viability, Work-life Balance, Enhance Professionalism, Efficient Team Worken_US
dc.titleInternship report on The Impact of Soft Skills Training on the Behavior and Work Performance of Employees in Walton Plazaen_US
dc.typeIntership Reporten_US

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