Analyzing CONTEC Market Possibility in Bangladesh Market
Marketing Research is the function that links the consumers, customers and public to the marketer through information that used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems, generate, refine and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process. In this report, I have conducted three market feasibility study. The main tasks are systematic gathering and analysis of information. Here, I follow objective process as it attempts to provide accurate and authentic information. The pulse oximeters market is large but consumers are unaware about the product. On the other hand, Bangladeshi customers are price sensitive. The pulse oximeters market is in introductory stage. Most people are not aware about this product but the awareness is increasing day by day. It is a good and safe market to invest. NIBP market study, The total explored market is BDT 7000000 and unexplored market is BDT 1867572000. Only 1% is explored and other 99% market is still unexplored. There is good opportunity to explore the other segments of the market, reach the target people and capture the market. According to Spirometer market feasibility, the global spirometer market is expected to reach USD 858.6 Million by 2020, at a CAGR of 9.8% from 2015 to 2020. In Bangladesh, spirometer market is moderate. There are three branded products and some non-brand products available in the market. Current market growth is 10%. People are not aware enough about the product. Findings indicate that there is a huge opportunity in this market.
- Marketing [303]