The Branding Strategy followed by bKash Limited
The project report is an essential part to achieve the bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree from United International University. In terms of creating project reports, Students do not need to participate directly in the organization as an intern to submit a project report rather they have to observe and collect all the valuable information of any particular company throughout the three months of their project period and submit their final project report to their project supervisor. Meanwhile, a project supervisor is chosen from the university among from the university faculty member who guides him to arrange all the report properly.
My project report is based on the branding strategy information of bKash, the largest Mobile commerce in Bangladesh. bKash has created a strong brand in this recent year by providing the easiest and safest way to receive and send money to anyone with the help of consumers own mobile phone. And it is not necessary to go to a Bank to send or receive the money.bKash (Bengali: বিকাশ) is a mobile money related administration in Bangladesh working under the supervision of Bangladesh Bank as a subsidiary of BRAC Bank Limited. This mobile money framework began as a joint endeavor between BRAC Bank Limited, Bangladesh and Money in Motion LLC, United States of America. bKash clients can store money into their mobile accounts and afterward get to a scope of administrations, specifically exchanging and getting money locally, making instalments and purchasing mobile recharges. In April 2013, International Finance Corporation (IFC), an individual from the World Bank committee, turned into a value accomplice and in Walk 2014, Bill and Melinda Entryways Establishment turned into a speculator in the organization.
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