Prescribing E-healthcare business for better Customer service: A study on Olwel
Bangladesh has shown considerable progress in terms of health indicators as a nation, the utilization and access to existing healthcare system is still limited for the mass. The health sector of Bangladesh has progressed significantly since its independence. In the course of the most recent two decades its progress is strongly notifiable. Specifically, it has made strong progress in several sectors. E-health has tremendous potential to ensure healthcare quality, accessibility and affordability in developing countries like bangladesh. Developing countries gradually adopted the new technologies particularly with regards to the health care services. E health care service is a way to provide medical services at community level. Bangladesh has been identified as one of the 57 countries in world that have critical shortage in health workforce. Although, in Bangladesh there are doctors, nurses, midwives number below 2.28 per 1000 population and the number of bed 4 per 10,000 in hospitals (organization, 2012). Due to poor health care infrastructure and highly dense population it is becoming a challenge for the government to provide adequate and quality health care facilities. To overcome this challenges the government introduced ICT programs in health sector.
The main objective of this report is the Olwel established its new dimension of digital health care service. Their aim is to improve the healthcare system in developing countries. They have selected the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, as there first operating location. By studying the healthcare system in Bangladesh they found that the absence of general practitioners is creating a huge load on specialist doctors. They have developed an innovative service platform to tackle this problem. Their platform connects qualified and trained general practitioners with patients so the service can be delivered directly to patients home.
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