Business Administration (BBA): Recent submissions
Now showing items 181-200 of 2362
(2024-06-25)By investigating the effects of board and audit committee characteristics—such as size, experience, diversity, and independence—on the financial performance of Dhaka Stock Exchange listed banks, this study contributes to ... -
The Effect of Corporate Governance and Sustainability Reporting on Firm Performance: Evidence from Banking Sector in Bangladesh
(2024-07-03)Purpose: This study's principal objective is to investigate and assess how corporate governance and sustainability reporting affect firm performance in Bangladesh's banking sector. Method: This study is conducted on 30 ... -
(2024-06-25)This report analyzes the effects of board characteristics and CSR on bank performance. The elements of the board characteristics are board size, board expert/professional, board meeting, board independence and CEO duality. ... -
TRIPPER: A Smart Travel and- accommodation Management System
(2024-06-05)The tourism industry is growing fast with smart systems that give travelers personalized experiences. This paper discusses about a smart tour where users pick dates, places, and budgets, and algorithms make customized ... -
ERP Implementation Challenges & an Internship Experience with SEBPO
(2024-06-12)Evaluation of the Business Process Outsourcing(BPO) industry originated in the late 18th century for manufacturing tasks. In addition, this BPO industry expanded in the mid-20th century with data processing. Moreover, it ... -
Factors Affecting Domestic Tourism Expenditure
(2024-06-12)This report explores relationships between socioeconomic, demographic, tourism-related, and economic factors with domestic tourism expenditure. Key socio-economic factors include income, household size and type, employment ... -
Exploring Customer Service Dynamics and Communication Tactics: An Internship Experience at Asiatic MCL
(2024-06-12)This internship report from Asiatic Marketing Communications Limited (Asiatic MCL) examines the difficulties in managing customer service and communication strategies. This study provides an overview of my practical ... -
Exploring Challenges Faced by Female Entrepreneurs in Achieving Business Success
(2024-05-06)This research study aims to investigate the barriers and obstacles women entrepreneurs encounter in attaining business success, with a particular emphasis on Dhaka City, Bangladesh. The aim is to acquire a more profound ... -
The Challenges and Opportunities of Remote Work in Bangladesh
(United International University, 2024-06-09)Remote work is the option of letting workers perform their task in an environment of their choosing over a traditional workplace. The reasons for choosing remote working conditions could be due to workers outsourced or ... -
Navigating the compensation and benefit structure to comprehend the influence on the performance of the employees: An overview of the reward practices at Nestlé Bangladesh PLC
(United International University, 2024-06-09)The report is precisely organised, assuring a logical and cohesive progression. After the prefatory section, the report's major content begins with an organizational overview including the history, mission, vision, values ... -
A Project Report On Meditation Role of Academic Engagement between Psychological capital and Student Performance: Evidence from Private Universities in Bangladesh
(2024-06-09)This thesis investigates the function of academic engagement in moderating the link between psychological capital and student performance in private institutions in Bangladesh. Psychological capital, which includes ... -
Factors Affecting the Non-Performing Loans in Bangladesh: A Study on Non-Banking Financial Institutions
(United International University, 2024-06)Non-banking financial institutions (NBFIs) are one of the most growing industries of Bangladesh. There are in total of 36 NBFIs in Bangladesh who play a vital role in the economy of Bangladesh. Non-performing loan is one ... -
B2B Client Management Practices by atB Jobs Bangladesh
(2024-05-26)An internship is a collaborative program between a business school and an organization. Its primary purpose is to provide students with workforce exposure and the opportunity to apply their academic knowledge in practical ... -
Financial Performance Analysis of Sonali Bank limited
(2024-05-12)Sonali Bank Ltd. a corporate branch in Narayanganj, I have a valuable opportunity to get practical experience. This bank is specifically focused on development for many sectors such as business, industry, agriculture, and ... -
The Procedure of IPO Placement & Portfolio Management: A Case Study on Asset Development & Holdings Ltd.
(2024-05-12)This report is titled “The Procedure of IPO Placement & Portfolio Management: A Case Study on Asset Development & Holdings Ltd.” This report has been prepared for the completion of the BBA in AIS program. This report has ... -
An Internship Report On Driving Employee Engagement: Insights from GAO Tek Inc.’s HRM Approach
(United International University, 2024-05-25)A report topic is chosen based on the organizational growth and Human Resource Management resources of GAO Tek Inc., where an internship is currently being undertaken. The report is focused on the employee engagement, the ... -
Institutional Reputation, Excellence, Education Costs, and Student Preferences: A Case Study
(United International University, 2024-06-01)This study project aims to better understand the complex dynamics of service quality in educational settings, with an emphasis on understanding of its impact on student perception. In the commercial sector, service quality ... -
Practices of Service Quality Dimensions in the Banking Service: A Case of Bank Asia Ltd.
(United International University, 2024-06-01)Service quality is a measure of how an organization delivers its services compared to the expectations of its customers and the competing company’s services. A company with high quality can offer services that match or ... -
A Study on Employees' Perception Regarding the Human Resource Management Division in the Banking Sector of Bangladesh
(2024-05)The banking sector in Bangladesh represents one of the fastest growing and prospective sectors in the economy of the country. The banking industry has grown and developed during the last two decades and most of the banks ... -
General Banking Operation of Union Bank Limited PLC
(2024-06-01)My three months of practical training at Union Bank Limited served as the foundation for my study. Thanks to the internship program, I have learned plenty about the actual circumstances of a financial institution. A nation's ...