Browsing Business Administration (BBA) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 2343
Liquidity Risk and Profitability Analysis of Prime Bank Limited
(20-05-20)In the present-day, financial institutions like banks play a dynamic force in the economic development of a country and research, survey and many activities are so significant to enhance its working outcomes. A bank offers ... -
Internship Report on HR Practice of SIS Inflexionpoint (BD)
(219-07-31)This report highlights some of the key issues surrounding SIS Inflexionpoint (BD)’s Human Resources Management field. This report is based on current Human Resources Management strategies, practices and human resource ... -
(2010-01-08)A new miracle recognized as social media has changed the route of our lives over the previous few years. Now-a-days social media create affect in all the aspects of our live, inclusive of the restaurant industry also. The ... -
Socio-political Fabric of Muslim Societies: A Theoretical Approach to Frame ‘Islam’ in Empirical World
(Global Institute for Research & Education, 2014-10-01)Culture and national character of modern nations are predominantly derived from the religious formation of that society. Determining the significance of religion for the societies turns out to be more complex and less ... -
Internship Report on MTI Consulting Bangladesh Limited
(2017-06-17)MTI Consulting Firm Bangladesh is an internationally networked boutique strategy and management consulting firm with strong footprints in both Middle East and South Asia. The boutique approach of MTI is to analyze, ... -
Internship Report on Selection & Recruitment of Plan International Bangladesh
(2018)The Internship Report is based on an International Organization named Plan International Bangladesh, and the project analyzes the Selection & Recruitment Process of Plan International Bangladesh. This report gives an ... -
Upcoming Challenges On Banking Sectors: Overall study based on United Commercial Bank (Macro Environment)
(the author, 2018)Through all the commercial activities, United Commercial Bank Limited has created a positive impact in the Market. The internship program is very helpful to conduct the space between the theoretical knowledge and real ... -
Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh (CRAB) & Credit Rating Industry of Bangladesh: An Internship Report
(2018)The credit rating as well as the credit rating industry is the recent concept in the financial sector of Bangladesh. Credit ratings are widely used by the investors, issuers, investment banks, broker-dealers, large companies, ... -
(2018)This report provides a study and collected information on “Training practices & procedure that is followed and applied by Mutual Trust Bank Limited (MTB))”. Method of findings and analysis include both primary and secondary ... -
Internship Report on Bangladesh ICT sector & Nascenia IT Limited
(2018)Several years ago researches showed that Bangladesh has tremendous growth opportunity in the software and Information & Communication Technology (ICT) sector. The Information & Communication Technology (ICT) sector in ... -
Comparison of Recruitment and Selection Process between Two Banks of Bangladesh
(2018)The term “Human Resource Management” is used to define the process of managing human resources of an organization to enhance organizational productivity and profitability. Recruiting and selecting employees, promoting them, ... -
Job Satisfaction of Employees of AIBL
(2018)My internship period started from 5th November 2017 and ended on 5th February 2018 at AIBL which was an essential requirement of my Bachelors of Business Administration at United International University, I had gained field ... -
Human Resource Practices of Oriental Oil Company Limited
(2018)Oriental Oil Company Limited is a franchise and exclusive lubricant manufacturer of Hindustan petroleum corporate limited of India, a Government-owned Integrated Oil Company. The Human Resource Management is the most ... -
Foreign Exchange Activities Of Southeast Bank Limited
(2018)Southeast Bank Limited is a secluded bank offering financial facilities to the clients. Under Companies Act, 1994 (March 12, 1995), the Southeast Bank leads its process as a commercial bank. It is offering wide-ranging as ...