Foreign Exchange activities of selected Banks in Bangladesh
The forex market is the backbone of international trade and is critical to support import and export, which are necessary to gain access to resources and to create additional demand for goods and services. Without the ability to trade in different currencies, companies’ prospects would be limited and global economic growth would suffer. Banks are one of the main element of the financial system of Bangladesh and have a huge impact on the overall economic condition of the country. A banking organization has different department and functional areas, all of which must operate holistically if the firm is to be successful and one of this Foreign Exchange Department.
This project report is aim at providing a full picture to the areas of “Foreign exchange activities” of eight selected banks for the time period 2009 to 2018. Foreign trade operation is one of the important function of the bank. It plays a vital role in on the whole economy of the country. In foreign trades it has import and foreign remittance department. All the clauses and step are undoubtedly mentioned.
I am dividing my report into 12 chapters. First chapter is for introduction, second is for EXIM Bank, there is for Islami Bank, and fourth is for Janata Bank, fifth is for BASIC Bank, sixth is for Bangladesh commercial Bank, seventh is for pubali Banks, eighth is for AB Bank, ninth is for City banks, tenth is for comparison for this eight banks, eleventh is for recommendation and conclusion, and twelfth is for recommendation.
From this report we see that the selected banks are increase their foreign exchange business in year to year. The growth rate of the banks are fluctuating in every year. When our countries politic condition is unstable then foreign exchange business is fall. And when our countries economic condition is decline then foreign exchange business is also fall. Mainly for these two reasons foreign exchange business is fluctuating of the selected Banks.
- Finance [265]