Browsing Finance by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 264
Family financial socialization and financial behavior of different private university students in Bangladesh
(2018)Good education is probably the most important factor for the national economic development. Demand and quality of higher education remains a big concern for decades in Bangladesh. The cost of studies in the private ... -
Project Report On Management of Foreign Exchange of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited
(United International University, 2018-02-12)With the developing competitors among nationalized, Foreign and commercial banks is attempting in the matter of how the banks function its dealing with a record movement and how customer organization can be made engaging. ... -
Project Report: Performance Analysis of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited
(United International University, 2018-02-12)This paper has looked into the performance analysis of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited for the period 2012-2016.Financial ratios have been employed to measure the capital adequacy, Assets quality , Management efficiency, ... -
Consumer Knitex Ltd.’s Performance Evaluation Using aggregate ROE model
(United International University, 2018-02-12)This project provides an overall performance evaluation of Consumer Knitex Ltd, along with an in depth analysis and evaluation of their organizational activities. The introduction includes company overview as well as ... -
Comparative financial performance analysis between two non-banking financial institutions: IDLC Finance Ltd. & LankaBangla Finance Ltd.
(UIU, 2018-03-16)The analysis applies performance evaluation and comparison of two branded non-banking financial institutions of Bangladesh; IDLC Finance Ltd & Lankabangla Finance Ltd. This measures how well a company is performing comparing ... -
Financial Performance Analysis of IDLC Finance Ltd
(UIU, 2018-03-16)Financial sector of any country plays an extremely important role in conducting monetary policy impulses to the entire economic system. Financing business is actually built on risk. By denying the risk no project can be ... -
Book Building Method and Its Impact on Capital Market of Bangladesh
(United International University, 2018-04-13)Applied information is essential to the submission of hypothetical aptitude. Considering this,the topic of this report is selected to acquire real knowledge. I thankfully admit my indebtness concepts and data providers. I ... -
Performance Evaluation of AB Bank
(UIU, 2018-04-18)This report is about AB Bank Limited and its performance indication in the banking sector and the way in which they are exposed to varies types of risks. In this report, I conducted 7 years financial performance analysis. ... -
Foreign Exchange Activities of Mercantile Bank LTD
(UIU, 2018-04-23)This project provides an overall performance evaluation of foreign exchange activities of Mercantile bank Ltd. The introduction includes company overview as well as general and foreign knowledge of Mercantile Bank Ltd. I ... -
Financial Performance of BRAC Bank Limited
(United International University, 2018-05-15)This project is prepared by me for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements to complete the BBA program. This project report is based on the “performance analysis of BRAC Bank Limited”. BRAC Bank is one of the best private ... -
Performance Evaluation of Bank Alfalah Limited
(UIU, 2018-05-28)Bank Alfalah Limited is one of the largest private limited banks of Pakistan, which is providing financial services to the customer under the charge and ownership of Abu-Dahbi group. The bank is also engaged in corporate ... -
Motivation for Providing Business Loan to small & Medium Enterprise (SME) – A Case Study of IDLC Finance Limited
(UIU, 2018-05-28)Financial sight of a nation is an extremely important character for the purpose of doing monetary policy regarding to the whole economic system. The business of financial issues are in built cover by risk. By denying the ... -
Implications of Working Capital Management on Profitability: A Research on Mutual Trust Bank Limited
(United International University, 2018-05-30)Liquidity basically refers the ability of the firm’s to increase its fund in assets and meet obligations when they become liable. Working capital considers all the current liabilities and current assets of a firm. This ... -
An Internship report on ‘Investment Department of Exim Bank’
(United International University, 2018-06-07) -
General Banking Activities of South Bangla Agriculture & Commerce Bank (SBAC) Ltd.
(UIU, 2018-07)The Project is the linking between the theoretical knowledge and real life experience. This aim is providing with an overview on the General Banking Activities of South Bangla Agriculture & Commerce Bank Limited. The ... -
(United International University, 2018-07-01)Bangladesh is a country with a lot of potentiality. Pharmaceutical sector in our country is one of them. Local companies dominate this sector and the sector is developing day by day. In the project report I have discussed ... -
Non-performing loans in Banking Sector of Bangladesh Causes and Effect
(United International University, 2018-07-10)A non-performing credit (NPL) is the entirety of obtained cash whereupon the account holder has not made his booked installments for most recent 90 days at any rate. A non-performing advance is either default or near being ... -
Report on Financial Statement Analysis Of Square Pharmaceuticals Limited
(United International University, 2018-07-10)This report is a pre-requisite of completion of the BBA Program. In this phase of my education I have received the practical knowledge related with the education I got. Additionally I have achieved commendable knowledge ... -
Performance analysis of Banking Sectors
(2018-07-14) -
Performance Analysis of Consumer Knitex Ltd (CKL)
(United International University, 2018-07-17)First of all, I try to give an overview of Consumer Knitex Ltd. in this report. I provide their mission, core value, and strategic objective as well as find their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. I also ...