Credit risk management of One Bank limited, Dhanmondi, Branch.
This Internship report is prepared as a requirement of the BBA program of United International University. This report is on “Credit Risk Management” of ONE Bank Limited. This report is desired to assist the reader in detailed understanding the credit risk management (CRM) process. It also attempts to capture the procedures practiced in ONE Bank Limited (OBL) in relation to credit handling. The purpose of this report is to have an idea about the credit risk management procedure of ONE Bank Limited and then to assess its effectiveness in connection with.
In this report, First of all I’ve discussed about the Overview, history growth, customer mix, products, Operations and SWOT analysis of OBL.
Secondly, in the organizational part I have provided detailed information about the organization with its CRM of OBL.
Finally I tried to give my Experience to the base of my learning knowledge which I have achieved during internship at OBL Dhanmondi Branch, for further growth in credit and Advantage in credit risk management and expansion of this Branch.
I try to discover the system of OBL, and also try to describe all the information elaborately.
- Finance [265]