“The Brexit & its Impact in global market and Bangladesh”
The entire report indicates the information about the Brexit. Tactically Brexit was not only a term but also a divided policy of British from the European Union. That took actually action in 2020 under three prime minister changing opinion and with public voting support the entire opinion poll was created. Report also consist euro dollar and other currency impact on all over the globe which very different then pre Brexit situation. Right after the Brexit the currency of EU and Uk was falling and capital market investment was deploying with time that indicates the all over impact of Brexit was downfall for Uk and EU but the situation was different after the prime minister election of UK in 2019 that changes the UK economy again and the impractical situation was improving right over the time. Report also shows how the impact was on Bangladeshi current export. This Brexit term was using by British from very beginning but it couldn’t took place because of the EU economic fact and other trade deal which was vastly related with EU and UK. But after the so many complications the UK decided to leave EU.
- Finance [264]