Corporate Governance Compliance impact on Finacial Performance of Service Firms
Nowadays corporate governance become a buzz word in corporate world.It is considered as a moral responsibility.Corporate governance imply for promoting the compliance of law in letter and essence and Expressing ethical conduct.The relationship in between corporate governance and financial performance has caught up extensive attention of researchers for last few decade. Researchers have been accompany in past to explore this correlation,but there has been lack of evidence.The findings acquired from existing researches have been mixed.From this researh paper,we attempt to investigate the impact of corporate governance on financial performance of service companies,using a sample of 17 private Banks excluding the Islamic Banks listed in Dhaka Stock Exchange(DSE).For testing the correlation we did regression analysis by using secondary data over a period of 5 years from FY 2014-2015 to FY 2018-2019.Qualitatiive data of corporate governance disclosers form years 2015 to 2019 to investigate the corpoarte governance performance. Corporate governance has no significant impact on corporate financial performance that has been concluded in this research.But like any other research,the current study is also subject to few limitations,which should be considered while using the results of this research paper .
- Finance [265]