E-Banking performance and customer satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited
Electronic banking is well-defined as the automatic transfer of novel and outdated banking products and services exactly to clients through electric, shared communiqué networks. E-banking contains the methods that allow fiscal institute clients, persons or trades, to entrance accounts, conduct trade, or gain info on fiscal products and services through a public or private network, with the Internet. E-Banking is entitled Internet banking, wired banking or PC banking as well. E-Banking might comprise ATMs, on-line transmissions, phone banking, electric reserves transmissions and debit cards. Today, internet banking spots process client facility investigations, permit dealings from one account to another, take credit requests, open new accounts etc. Some deliver commercial facilities and others are full facility banks rushing to get there. Besides this, to the fast placement of electric bank ‘branches’ an whole fiscal communal has abruptly come, contribution utmost and fiscal facility a client might want. Novel pattern of currency are being coined to pay for dealings, and undetectable fee procedures are being verified and promoted.
I had to make the report by analyzing different types of survey with questionnaire who occupied the account of SIBL at VATARA Branch Dhaka. They are: of deposit account that make the customers satisfied (shown in Table1), satisfied with respective deposit account (Shown in Table2), customer satisfaction with Account opening procedure (Shown in Table 3), Employees’ sincerity of providing E-Banking facilities of SIBL (Shown in Table 4). Furthermore, the percentage of Delivering Cheque Book and ATM Card (Shown in Table 5), the percentage of Transaction safety (Shown in Table 6), the percentage of customer satisfaction with SME Banking, Debit Card and Credit Card of SIBL (Shown in Table 7), the percentage of Visually Appealing Facilities (Shown in Table 8), the percentage of customer satisfaction with furnished of Bank’s equipment and Technology (Shown in Table 9), the customer satisfaction about Agent Banking and Green Banking Facilities (Shown in Table 10), the customer satisfaction of Remittance Distribution Network (Shown in Table 11), the Expertise of Employee of solving the problem of E-Banking Facility (Shown in Table 12) and finally, customer satisfaction with the Total Procedure of E-Banking Facilities (Shown in Table 13) of different responses with Different Customers.
At first survey about types of deposit account that make the customers satisfied of SIBL (shown in Table1) with 4 types of deposits like savings account, Term Deposit, current account and other account on different types of customer of SIBL, VATARA branch, Dhaka. Here, I observed that 55%, 25.4% customers belonged Current Deposit and 13.7%, participants occupied with Term Deposit and 5.9% clients possessed other account. Besides this, satisfied with respective deposit account of SIBL (Shown in Table2) with 5 types of responses like strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly disagree under various types of customers. Here, the graph depicts that 29.4% customers are highly satisfied about belonging of their deposit. Besides this, 60.8% are only satisfied and remaining 9.8% of participants are neutral. Moreover, the survey for customer satisfaction with Account opening procedure (Shown in Table 3) which represents that 49% respondents are highly satisfied while 37.3% are satisfied and finally, 13.7% customers are neutral. Later on, I surveyed that Employees’ sincerity of providing E-Banking facilities of SIBL (Shown in Table 4) represents that 25.5% respondents are strongly agreed while 37.3% participants are satisfied. Besides this, 15 customers are neutral, 5.8% participants disagreed and finally, 2% customer replied with strongly disagree.
Furthermore, the percentage of Delivering Cheque Book and ATM Card (Shown in Table 5) showed that 57% of customers opined agree regarding the delivery of cheque book and ATM card on timely, efficiently with carefully while 35% of respondents remained neutral and 8% of participants dissatisfied with prevailing facility. Moreover, the percentage of Transaction safety (Shown in Table 6) showed that 70.5% participants said that they feel more safe when transaction with SIBL and 23.5% of respondents are satisfied and 6% of respondents said neutral The report has been recognized as the nexus between E-banking performance and customer satisfaction I noticed General Banking (Account opening, clearing, and cash section) and E-Banking division (accessibility of own account with code no. at any place/24 hours, fund transferring, Mobile Top-up, and password modification etc.), investment division (SME banking, bill purchase, and Islamic Auto-finance) and Foreign Exchange (Remittance processing unit) throughout the nation and around the world. Here, important thing is that there are so many issues which influences on E-Banking performance to bring about customer satisfaction by providing on time product and services at VATARA Branch of SIBL with more reliable. I found that the customer satisfaction has been increased by solving the problem immediately and carefully by expert employee whatever existing or new customer through visually appealing facility, SME Banking, Issuing Debit and Credit Card facility), Employees sincerity, furnished bank equipment and technological support, Agent and Green Banking facility, Remittance Distribution Network.
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