Browsing School of Business and Economics (SoBE) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 2510
Liquidity Risk and Profitability Analysis of Prime Bank Limited
(20-05-20)In the present-day, financial institutions like banks play a dynamic force in the economic development of a country and research, survey and many activities are so significant to enhance its working outcomes. A bank offers ... -
Internship Report on HR Practice of SIS Inflexionpoint (BD)
(219-07-31)This report highlights some of the key issues surrounding SIS Inflexionpoint (BD)’s Human Resources Management field. This report is based on current Human Resources Management strategies, practices and human resource ... -
(2010-01-08)A new miracle recognized as social media has changed the route of our lives over the previous few years. Now-a-days social media create affect in all the aspects of our live, inclusive of the restaurant industry also. The ... -
Socio-political Fabric of Muslim Societies: A Theoretical Approach to Frame ‘Islam’ in Empirical World
(Global Institute for Research & Education, 2014-10-01)Culture and national character of modern nations are predominantly derived from the religious formation of that society. Determining the significance of religion for the societies turns out to be more complex and less ... -
Philosophy of Abenomics
(Daily sun, 2017-03-17)It is often customary to attach the name of a president/prime minister who pursues an innovative set of policies that draws a roadmap in economic growth in the near future from the current poor state of the economy. ... -
Aftermath of Fed Rate Hike
(Daily sun, 2017-03-29)The dawn is now in the world. At last, the Fed has raised the interest rate to prod the economy and to pacify the President! Milton Friedman, the pioneering monetarist and a Nobel Laureate from the University of Chicago ... -
Rationality versus Irrationality
(Daily sun, 2017-04-05)Any introductory textbook on economics always starts with the fundamental assumption of rationality. The rationality axiom guarantees that given scarce resources, a consumer always tries to maximise utility. The ... -
Ceramic Industry and the Budget
(Daily Sun, 2017-05-24) -
Internship Report on MTI Consulting Bangladesh Limited
(2017-06-17)MTI Consulting Firm Bangladesh is an internationally networked boutique strategy and management consulting firm with strong footprints in both Middle East and South Asia. The boutique approach of MTI is to analyze, ... -
Budget and Business Cycle
(Daily sun, 2017-07-07) -
Factors Affecting Per Capita GDP in Bangladesh: An Econometric Analysis
(United International University, 2017-12-12)GDP is one amongst the first indicators of a country’s economic performance. Per capita grossdomestic product also can be accustomed live the productivity of a country's hands. speedy valuegrowth has propelled Bangla Desh ... -
The tale on innovation and growth
(United International University, 2017-12-13)Whenever we see the word innovation, we instantly recall Joseph Schumpeter who popularized the word in economics through his business cycle theory. Joseph Schumpeter explained the fluctuations of economic output through ... -
Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh and Its Impact on Economic Growth
(2018)This paper analyzes the relationship between unemployment and its impact on economic growth in Bangladesh. We have tested the relation between unemployment and economic growth using a panel data covering four South-Asian ... -
Analysis of Service Quality of Biman Bangladesh Airlines
(2018)ABSTRACT Service provided by air transportation is the standard mode of transportation around the world. Bangladesh air transportations provide different qualities in air transportation service for their travelers or ... -
Assessing the Level of Satisfaction of Grameenphone Subscribers
(2018)Grameenphone is the most popular cellular operator in Bangladesh. In this study, we have tried to find out the key services of Grameenphone, that has affected customer satisfaction of the subscribers of Grameenphone. Some ... -
Internship Report on Selection & Recruitment of Plan International Bangladesh
(2018)The Internship Report is based on an International Organization named Plan International Bangladesh, and the project analyzes the Selection & Recruitment Process of Plan International Bangladesh. This report gives an ... -
Upcoming Challenges On Banking Sectors: Overall study based on United Commercial Bank (Macro Environment)
(the author, 2018)Through all the commercial activities, United Commercial Bank Limited has created a positive impact in the Market. The internship program is very helpful to conduct the space between the theoretical knowledge and real ...