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dc.contributor.authorAfrin Ria, Tayeba
dc.description.abstractThis whole Internship report mainly Three months long Internship Program, I had observed a lots of things in Agrani Bank l.t.d. Mohammadpur branch, Dhaka. I prepare my report on “Green Banking Practice in Agrani Bank Limited Mohammadpur Branch” and to know how they work in green banking in nature favorable area & what are their obstructions, what types of problems they faced every day. Green banking means how environment friendly your bank is, how much your bank attached to green and ethical policies. Green banking practices in the bank actually means financial transaction or paying bills with paperless and internet. It permit to do deposit, withdrawals and paying bills/charges by the single click of mouse. First part in this report is actually on the introduction which covers topic introduction, Origin of report, Objective, Internship experience, methodology, Limitation in the report . Mostly, it defines the system and background of the study to make the report. Second part of the report is based on Organizational Overview also their activities of green banking in Agrani Bank Limited. Third part of the report is based on evaluation, benefit, method, challenges, and objectives of green bank. Fourth part is based on green banking activities analysis in ABL which is compared with other banks. This analysis part is based on questionnaire. Its show the column chart based on answer of questionnaire. After that in the fifth part I have explained the problems, findings, of green banking practice. Towards the closing stages of the report, a few recommendation, conclusion, reference and appendix are pointed out which will be supportive for the right perceptive for the report. In a short, this report contains all the vital and possible information connected to the practice of green banking functions of Agrani Bank Limiteden_US
dc.titleInternship Report On Green Banking practice in Agrani Bank Limiteden_US
dc.typeIntership Reporten_US

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