The purpose of this report is to show the performance of Prime Bank. Banking sector is one of the most focused sector in Bangladesh which is expected to develop day by day. Banks act a vital role in our economy that need to handle many activities, it look after all the monetary transactions. It act as an intermediary between surplus unit and deficit unit. There is no one in the world who does not go through banking process. If you deal with bank than you have to go through banks. The principle activity of bank is to deposit money from the customers and give loan to other group of customers and to maintain balance between these two. Besides, they work for export and import sector where due to the presence of banks, fraudulent activities have decreased because as the traders use banks as the middleman so both the parties have been benefited for handling the payments and documentations procedures. Since, Prime Bank is one of the renowned banks in Bangladesh to see how they are performing, how efficiently they are doing their activities might give an understanding of the condition of banking sector in Bangladesh at present.
In this report the main part of the work it the ratio calculations which are shown as a form of bar chart for easy understanding which could be simple to get for all kinds of people. Next, there is an overview of the bank including their activities and accounts. Lastly, some of their probable strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities have been discussed.
- Finance [265]