Internship Report On Mutual Trust Bank Ltd.
Banking industry is one of a major part of our country which is significantly improving our national economy. For every Business students they have an organizational experience for 3 months period for their Internship course. I was attached at Mutual Trust Bank Limited for fulfilling my internship requirement. Every student has to prepare a report on their specific title basis. My title is Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. In this internship report, I have examined about Mutual Trust Bank's general data, history, fiscal summaries and their advancement than the earlier year. I have dissected the budget report of 2016 and 2017. I have given full depictions which I gathered from the bank's Mirpur-2 branch, Dhaka. Likewise I have concentrated on their salary explanations and accounting report to give a full picture.
This report is done by standard 4 parts; first one is preliminary division, second one is General History of Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. Third one is My Experience as an Intern in Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. Fourth one is Financial Report Analysis of MTBL.
To clarify the money related conditions, I have done the proportion examination. Both the investigations are exceptionally exact and are contrasting the present year and the earlier year. To start with, I did proportions of the individual years to quantify how the bank's general execution was in a total year. At that point in the following stage, I have completed a correlation between the two years singular proportions and attempted to make sense of whether the bank have developed from the earlier year or have done misfortune.
Additionally, I have been doing proportions which give us data about the present proportion, analysis, stock proportion, net revenue and so on. By these, I could make correlation between these two years and endeavoring to make sense of which year the bank did the best and when the benefit was the most noteworthy.
- Finance [265]