Performance Analysis and Comparison Among DSE listed Islamic Shariah Mutual Funds
The philosophy of mutual funds is not to ‘carry coal to the new castle'. The main target is to make the investment profitable for the investor and use it in a efficient way.So here in this report I have done a financial analysis to clarify the financial position and with it I also did the essential ratio analysis to identify the most profitable Islamic mutual fund for the investor to invest. First, year to year comparisons and then comparison among the funds gave me the best option for investments. From here we can also understand the comprehensive growth of these funds and the most revenue generating funds from which people can enjoy the revenue and have a better life standard. DSE listed mutual funds emphasize not only on customer satisfaction but also emphasizes general activities and strategies in funding in different sectors, so that customer can get better service from every side of overall banking. Here I also identified and discussed the risk factors of these mutual funds and showed the investors a better path to invest.
As this report is the descriptive report, it mainly focused on “Performance Analysis of DSE Listed Islamic Shariah Mutual Funds”. I have done here, descriptive type of research, which briefly reveals the overall activities performed by Mutual funds. It is also administrated by collecting secondary data.Annual report of mutual funds is mainly concerned for information collection of this report and here I use the Close ended Mutual Funds.
As I have done my report on “Performance Analysis of DSE Listed Islamic Shariah Mutual Funds” and this report also concerned with analysis, findings, recommendation and conclusion. The analyzing part is concluded with data presentation and interpretation and comparison. A mutual fund emphasizes not only on customer satisfaction but also emphasizes general activities and funding strategies and credit system, so that customer can get better service from every side of overall funding.
- Finance [265]