General Banking activities of the Al-Arafa Islami Bank Limited
After studying numerous theoretical concepts during the various coursework’s of my BBA
program at Majoring in Finance, United International University understanding the practical
implications and applications is the next step in the learning process. The BBA internship
program provides an opportunity for such steps. In due course of completing my internship
project and compiling this report I came to learn about the General Banking activities of the Al-
Arafah Islami Bank Limited.
This report is an effort to reflect a clear idea about the General Banking activities of Al-Arafah
Islami Bank Limited. AIBL is committed to build an Islamic Shoriya business and give their
client to profit that rate should be a changeable because AIBL provide their customers profit not
interest so that’s why profit should be a changeable that brings benefit to the society,
environment and the economy of Bangladesh. AIBL always try to develop a green office and
creating awareness on green banking activities and providing instruction to all employees on
efficient use of energy, water, saving paper etc. AIBL always maintain the honesty, integrity and
fairness in all CSR practices. AIBL involved with and supporting local and national
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