Human resource perspective at branch level of Rupali Bank Limited
Rupali Bank Limited. is powerfully positioned in the marketplace and with its fundamental strengths it can reach stockholders prospects and promotion their prosperity in the future through their principled banking and customer facilities. It will improve their public services and buildup employed teams to deliver the unsurpassed services to its respected clients. This report has been completed based on the topic of human resource perspective at branch level of Rupali Bank Limited. which includes how they provide customer satisfaction, facilities of their employees and stuffs, HR practices at their bank.
In this report the first chapter or the beginning parts of the report include introduction, objectives, background, scopes, methodology, limitation of the study which are discussed. The next part or the second chapter is on the basis of the brief discussion of Rupali bank Limited. which includes their history, mission, vision, core values, stratagem, banking activities, organogram of RBL and product and services of RBL. Third chapter is all about literature review where I focus on the theoretical study of complete human resource management. Fourth chapter is on the basis of human resource perspective at branch level of RBL. Where I focus on my practical knowledge during the internship period includes the information that I have congregated which is provided by the stuffs, employees and their customers. At the end of this chapter I have shared my learnings that what I have learned during the internship period. Lastly, the fourth chapter is all about recommendation and conclusion on the basis of my applied experience at the branch level of RBL. Where I recommend some appropriate steps that I felt they should follow at their bank. If they follow those steps, they can overcome its limitations as well and concise the study by giving conclusion.
- HRM [139]