Browsing HRM by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 139
Analysis of Human Resource Management (HRM) Activities- A Study on Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Bashabo, Dhaka
(2022-08-14)For my internship i got the opportunity to research in HR Banking opportunities at Islami Bank Bangladesh limited (Bashabo Branch).The banking system of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited is Shariah based.It is committed to ... -
An Analysis of Human Resource Management Practices of National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited
(United International University, 2020-12-19)This project report presents an analysis of the Human Resource Management practices of National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited. The National Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd has a remarkable banking background. With its ... -
Analysis of Implementation of Human Resource Policy in NRB Commercial Bank
(2021-11-05)The functions of human resource management are being conducted because people are the most important component of any management system, and every large and small business is currently practicing human resource management. ... -
An Analysis of Performance Appraisal System of Public & Private Banking Sector of Bangladesh
(United International University, 2019-02-02)This project report is based on Performance Appraisal System of public and private banking sector of Bangladesh. For preparing this project the student has visited several private and public banks of our country for ... -
“An analysis of Performance Appraisal System of Public & Private Banking Sector of Bangladesh”
(United International University, 2022-03-20)This research project has been prepared based on the theme of the performance appraisal system. The banking sector of Bangladesh both private and the public has been selected for contacting a survey and preparing this ... -
“An analysis of Performance Appraisal System of Public & Private Banking Sector of Bangladesh”
(United International University, 2022-03-07)In Bangladesh, a common problem has been identified as the appraisal of the performance of the employees in the workplace. The employees in different companies get enough competition but do not get an appropriate appraisal ... -
Analysis of Recruitment and Selection Process of PRAN-RFL and Changes in Their Practices during the Pandemic
(2021-05)Recruitment and selection are critical processes for any effective organization because hiring the right people enhances and maintains organizational efficiency and is linked to the overall organizational development. The ... -
(2023-02-15)Job satisfaction of workers is very important. Every organisation wants it. But the scenario is different in garments sector. The owner of garments doesn’t really think about their workers satisfaction. The matter doesn’t ... -
Assessing impact of strategic human resource practices and sustainable competitive advantage on organizational performance: An empirical exploration
(2021-12-22)This research’s fundamental goal is to evaluate the effect of strategic human resource management strategies on organizational overall performance and sustainable competitive advantage. The study gathered 141 samples from ... -
Assessing training mechanism with the comparisons between Private Bank and Public Bank
(United International University, 2020-01-11)A training and development program brings all employees to higher level so that they all have similar skill and knowledge. Banking sector is a very important part for a country development so that this is necessary to ... -
The Challenges and Opportunities of Remote Work in Bangladesh
(United International University, 2024-06-09)Remote work is the option of letting workers perform their task in an environment of their choosing over a traditional workplace. The reasons for choosing remote working conditions could be due to workers outsourced or ... -
Comparative analysis of HR practices of DBBL & UCBL
(United International University, 2019-10-16)This study examines an analysis of the human resource management policies of two famous commercial banks in Bangladesh. The first one is the Dutch Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) and the second is United Commercial Bank Limited ... -
Comparative Study on Training and Development on- The City Bank Ltd., Prime Bank Ltd. and Eastern Bank Ltd.
(United International University, 2018-09-01)The Project Report is a fulfillment of my BBA program. This report on Comparative Study on Training and Development on- The City Bank Ltd., Prime Bank Ltd. and Eastern Bank Ltd. “The overall role of HR managers in a Banking ... -
Comparative Study on Training and Development on-The City Bank Ltd. Prime Bank Ltd. & Eastern Bank Ltd
(United International University, 2018-06-24)Training and Development programs are the basic structural and functional foundations for the development of the employees of any organization. Training and Development are the framework for helping employees to develop ... -
Comparison of Recruitment and Selection Process between Two Banks of Bangladesh
(2018)The term “Human Resource Management” is used to define the process of managing human resources of an organization to enhance organizational productivity and profitability. Recruiting and selecting employees, promoting them, ... -
Compensation Management of Esquire Knitewear Ltd
(2023-11-22)Esquire Knitewear Ltd. is regarded as a very innovative clothing factory in Bangladesh. The enterprise commenced with the primary objective of maximizing productivity while safeguarding the interests of all shareholders. The ... -
Compensation Management Practices and Policies of Excel Technologies Ltd
(2020-12-15)Excel Technologies Ltd. is one of the foremost ICT company in Bangladesh. It has recognized a robust foothold all the way through this competitive market. Since its establishment within the year 1999, the business is trying ... -
A Comprehensive Study on Work Life Balance Practices in Banking Sector of Bangladesh
(2021)The main focus of the analysis is to get the knowledge of work life balance practices in banking organizations. As we know balancing the work is all about maintaining a equivalent on professional works & other non-professional ... -
The concept of Green Human resource management (GHRM) for Bangladeshi Banking Sector
(United International University, 2019-01-10)Green human resource management (GHRM) is the positive utilization of HRM functions to encourage the sustainable use of resources in business organizations and, in general, to assist the cause of environmental sustainability. ... -
Conceptualizing the influence of people analytics on the operation of the organizations
(UIU, 2023-11-11)HR analytics is the process of using data analysis and statistical methods to human resource data in order to gather knowledge and make wise decisions. Employing HR analytics can help firms improve their workforce management ...