Browsing HRM by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 139
Comparison of Recruitment and Selection Process between Two Banks of Bangladesh
(2018)The term “Human Resource Management” is used to define the process of managing human resources of an organization to enhance organizational productivity and profitability. Recruiting and selecting employees, promoting them, ... -
Human Resource Practices of Oriental Oil Company Limited
(2018)Oriental Oil Company Limited is a franchise and exclusive lubricant manufacturer of Hindustan petroleum corporate limited of India, a Government-owned Integrated Oil Company. The Human Resource Management is the most ... -
Strategic Human Capital Planning for Business Success
(2018-05-27)Strategic human capital management is gaining more importance day by day because organizations have to make sure the business will perform well in the industry in a changing business environmental. Firms should look for ... -
Recruitment &Selection Process of “Renata Limited”
(United International University, 2018-05-28)Renata Limited (in the past Pfizer Limited) put a surprising push to be on the best and now they assuming the part of driving position and they are currently the quickest developing pharmaceutical and creature wellbeing ... -
Human Resource Practices of the City Bank Limited
(United International University, 2018-06-06)The City Bank Limited is a well-known private business bank that is working efficiently in the Bangladesh banking industry. City bank is putting forth an exceptionally customized and amicable client benefit. They examine ... -
Recruitment & Selection parameters followed & applied by Acme Laboratories Ltd
(United International University, 2018-06-24)This report has been set up to satisfy the prerequisite for getting BBA degree. This report is the result of my examination about “Recruitment & Selection parameters followed & applied by “Acme Laboratories Ltd” Different ... -
Comparative Study on Training and Development on-The City Bank Ltd. Prime Bank Ltd. & Eastern Bank Ltd
(United International University, 2018-06-24)Training and Development programs are the basic structural and functional foundations for the development of the employees of any organization. Training and Development are the framework for helping employees to develop ... -
Recruitment and Selection process of three companies under the NBFI sector in Bangladesh
(United International University, 2018-06-30)This report will give a clear idea about the recruitment process and selection process of United Finance Limited, IDLC Finance Limited and Meridian Finance Limited. In the first part principally talk about about the basis ... -
The Major Activities Performed in Credit Risk Management Division of Dhaka Bank Limited
(United International University, 2018-07-07)The internship report titled ” on the Major Activities Performed in Credit Risk Management Division of Dhaka Bank Limited” is basically based on a 12 weeks internship program that I have successfully completed in Dhaka ... -
Employee Job Satisfaction in the City Bank Ltd.
(United International University, 2018-07-15)The City Bank ltd. is notable private business bank that is working easily in the Bangladesh keeping money industry. City bank is putting forth an exceptionally customized and agreeable client benefit. It has set up a ... -
Human Resource Management Practices and Policies followed and applied by The City Bank Limited
(United International University, 2018-07-25)This is the report on the internship program at The City Bank Limited. This report has covered a variety of areas on the practices of human resources management and all the related policies The City bank follows. To prepare ... -
Comparative Study on Training and Development on- The City Bank Ltd., Prime Bank Ltd. and Eastern Bank Ltd.
(United International University, 2018-09-01)The Project Report is a fulfillment of my BBA program. This report on Comparative Study on Training and Development on- The City Bank Ltd., Prime Bank Ltd. and Eastern Bank Ltd. “The overall role of HR managers in a Banking ... -
Reviewing job performance through job satisfaction: An empirical exploration in banking services.
(2018-09-17)The study intends to discover the influence of job satisfaction on job performance in the circumstance of banking services at Janota Bank, Bangladesh. To attain this objective, the study incorporated 150 samples from Janota ... -
Human Resource Practices of Two Commercial Banks in Bangladesh
(United International University, 2018-09-20)This paper has attempted to highlight on Human Resource Management Activities in the context of Prime Bank and NCC Bank, Prime Bank and NCC Bank are among the leading commercial bank of the country. Sound Human Resource ... -
Training & Development Procedure of Grameenphone Limited
(United International University, 2018-09-20)In Bangladesh, the main telecom provider is Grameenphone which had been started out its adventure in 1996. After 21 years of operation they're still in primary service issuer in terms of community, carrier and subscriber. ... -
(United International University, 2018-12-09)Project report Program refers to a joint program in which Business School and business houses co-operate. The prime objective of such program is to provide students on the job exposures and the opportunity to translate the ... -
The effect of Strategic Human Resources Practice on employee performance
(United International University, 2018-12-22)Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) is the leader in the country in developing capital market in Bangladesh. It is the most profitable organization under ministry of finance. So the organization’s performance is ... -
The concept of Green Human resource management (GHRM) for Bangladeshi Banking Sector
(United International University, 2019-01-10)Green human resource management (GHRM) is the positive utilization of HRM functions to encourage the sustainable use of resources in business organizations and, in general, to assist the cause of environmental sustainability. ... -
INTERNSHIP REPORT ON “Wage analysis and Audit of Aarong”
(United International University, 2019-01-21)The essential target of this report is to have a presentation about Aarong's consistence polices exercises and its effect on the general public. So all the things that she really attempted to develop here is completely ... -
An Analysis of Performance Appraisal System of Public & Private Banking Sector of Bangladesh
(United International University, 2019-02-02)This project report is based on Performance Appraisal System of public and private banking sector of Bangladesh. For preparing this project the student has visited several private and public banks of our country for ...