Human Resource Practices of Two Commercial Banks in Bangladesh
This paper has attempted to highlight on Human Resource Management Activities in the context of Prime Bank and NCC Bank, Prime Bank and NCC Bank are among the leading commercial bank of the country. Sound Human Resource Management Training procedures practice therefore, is very important for profitability and success of a bank. General banking is the starting point of all the banking operations. It is the department, which provides day-to-day services to the customers. It opens new accounts, remit funds, issue bank drafts and pay orders etc. Provide customer through quick and sincere service is the goal of the general banking department.
For the effective application of General Banking procedures, expertise and willingness as well as motivation of the bankers are needed. By removing the road blocks General Banking procedures implication through the recommendations mentioned in this paper.
The organization should consider some aspects like; the selection procedure should be made less complex because time is important in this modern world. Time is important, but a valid selection process is also important. The HRD must ensure a valid selection process and should not compromise with time pressure as imposed by concern department to fill up vacancy. Internal recruiting is not always cost effective for higher level recruitment. Certain percentage of vacancies may be filled up by external recruiting to get more competent candidates. Even the company may go for global search. HR policy should be designed to attract more efficient workers for the organization for improvements. The compensation policy should be reorganizing to attract efficient people to the organization, because the basic salary is not high at Prime Bank. Skill and knowledge base pay system should be introduced at Prime Bank and NCC Bank. It motivates employees to give their best performance. The women should provide better performance to the organization, for this they should be more trained. Discrimination related to gender and race should be strictly avoided. It will improve the working environment. Disabled people should be hired and placed in such positions where they can work easily. The workers should be well trained so that they can work without accidents and accident avoiding measurements should be taken to the factories.
- HRM [139]