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dc.contributor.authorAkter, Maliha
dc.description.abstractThis project report describes the Recruitment and Selection process in private organization. And this project report prepared on the basis of face to face interview, Phone interview and online survey. This project helped me to learn about the recruitment and selection process in private organization. The motive of the project report to understand recruitment and selection process in private organization. That’s why for prepare this report i am choosing two organization such as BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Ltd and Pick Me Ltd in individual chapter, i have discussed about recruitment and selection process of those two organization. After knowing the recruitment and selection process of those two organization, lots of recommendation came up and this project report also consists recommendations and conclusion, according to my point of view, which I think would improve the environment of those two organization if implemented. For every organization it is important to have a right person on a right job. Recruitment and Selection plays a vital role in this situation. That report will be help to perceive how an organization recruit their employees and how they can select the right candidates for their organization in real situations. The project covers introduction of Recruitment and Selection, Purpose and Importance of Recruitment, Sources of Recruitment, Steps in the Recruitment & Selection Process. It also comprises the challenges faced by HR in recruitment process.en_US
dc.titleRecruitment and Selection Process in Private Organizationen_US
dc.typeProject Reporten_US

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