INTERNSHIP REPORT ON "Human Resource Management Practices of Data Path Limited".
This report is about the Data-Path Ltd. which is a business process outsourcing organization. In Data-Path there are twelve departments and all departments are doing separate kinds of work to provide a Great service. The main purpose of this report was to find out the human resource practices of Data-Path Ltd. The report has specific sections on background, company mission, adopted techniques, organizational structure, hiring rules, performance appraisal techniques, motivational policy and so on.
Data-Path Ltd. is basically a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) partner of Texas-based retirement plan service provider named July Business Services. Data path provides all the required support to July business services to run their business effectively all the 24 hours. Data Path Ltd. provides these services through internet and remote desktop facility.
Though the HR department of Data-Path Ltd. does not consist too many employees, but they try to follow some HR practices in some major part as like in recruiting, training, Performance evaluating etc. This internship report emphasizes on providing an overview of HR practices of Data-Path Ltd. The report also contains my responsibility in Data-Path Ltd.
- HRM [139]